Create a Leaderboard chart leveraging Chatter Images

Do your Sales leaders ever need to see how their teams are looking agains their quotas? Have you ever though of Gamification? How about creating a cool leaderboard chart with images to easily view how your teams are doing?

Tableau CRM allows you to bring Chatter images into Data Manager, create a chart using the field FullPhotoUrl and leveraging the checkbox “Use Icons” to represent your leaders with chatter images instead of just names.

So what do you have to do!? Just follow these easy steps:

  1. On data manager make sure the photo url is being brought up to the user; there are multiple fields referencing the image URL so make sure you select the FullPhotoURL

  2. Create a dataflow bringing in Accounts and Users or Opportunity and Users and make sure you select your FullPhotoURL

    • Note: the user object has multiple URLs; you can try it with the other 2 but I recommend using FullPhotoURL

  3. Create a new lens with the new dataset with a number or measure you want to track per user, example: # of Opportunities/user, $$ per Opportunities, Members brought in per account/User.. whatever measure represents how your Sales users are doing against their quota.

  4. Once the lens is created you will have to modify the query to make 2 simple changes:

    1. Remove the FullPhotoURL from the grouping

    2. Add first before your FullPhotoUrl field

  5. Your query should look something like this:

    q = load "ActsWUsers";

    q = filter q by 'ActsWUsers.Name' in ["Paulina Rueda", "Pedro Perez"];

    q = group q by 'ActsWUsers.Username';

    q = foreach q generate 'ActsWUsers.Username' as 'ActsWUsers.Username', count() as 'count', first('ActsWUsers.FullPhotoUrl') as 'unique_ActsWUsers.FullPhotoUrl';

    q = order q by 'ActsWUsers.Username' asc;

    q = limit q 2000;

  6. Once this is done, run the query and under Chart > Formatting > Y-Axis > there should be a “Use Icons” checkbox > make sure this checkbox is checked off and save your chart!


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